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Fossil Identification Guide for Invertebrate Fossils of North Carolina, including Aurora


Fossil Identification Guide for Invertebrate Fossils of North Carolina, including Aurora

Fossil Invertebrate Identification for Aurora in the Pungo River, Yorktown, and James City Formations

Invertebrate fossils are extremely common in most fossil bearing strata, including the ones in North Carolina, including Aurora, NC.


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Fossilized crab claw pieces are failry common along the Calvert Cliffs.

Crab claw fossils are hollow and often have a bluish or tan color.
They are most often found in the James City and Pungo River Formations, but are found in all formations.

Bivalves - Pelecypods (shells)

Bivalves are the most common fossils found in many tertiary formations.

Pectin sp.

Scallop shell. Most of the time these fossil scallop shells are found broken.

Another example of a Pectin fossil scallop shell.

Glycymeris sp.

These are fairly common clam fossils


Ecphora sp.
Extinct Gastropod - Murex Shell

These are beautifully shaped gastropods.
Ecphora are predatory gastropods. They climb on an unsuspecting bivalve and drill a small round hole through the shell. The gastropod then inserts a long proboscis into the hole and sucks out the guts. Gross!

Ecphora shells are usually found broken.

Pterorytis sp.

This is another type of gastropod that is commonly found. It has a thicker looking shell than ecphora.


Sea Urchins

Fossil Sea Urchin Spines.


Solenastrea sp.

Barnacles - Balanus sp.

Barnacles are occasionally found. Sometimes they are attached to fossil shells and bone.

Tube Worms

Tube worms are sometimes found attached to other inverebrates.

Recommended Carolina Shark Tooth Books and Items:

Shark Tooth Hunting on the Carolina Coast
Ashley Oliphant, 2015

This informative guide not only serves as a valuable reference with beautiful color photos for comparing finds, but also incorporates the author's collecting experiences. While suitable for beginners, avid hunters may seek a more in-depth reference. It iswell-written and well-illustrated and particularly helpful in identifying shark teeth.

Shark Teeth Shirt

The perfect gift for any shark tooth hunter!

About the Author

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