"Celebrating the Richness of Paleontology through Fossil Hunting"

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Guide to Fossil Hunting along the Calvert Cliffs of Maryland


Weather, Tides, Winds, and Sea Nettles

Chesapeake Beach Weather

Calvert Cliffs Maryland

Meteorological Data

Calvert Cliffs - Weather, Tides, WInds, and Sea Nettle Predictions:
Or go back to the MAIN Calvert Cliffs Page

These are links to sea surface temperatures, nettle maps, bay saltanity, weather forecasts, tides, and wind data. This will help you plan your fossil hunting trip to the Calvert Cliffs Area!
Here are some tips when using the links:

Tides: When looking up tide information with the tide links, the tide stations that run along the cliffs are at Chesapeake Beach (North Calvert Co.), Long Beach (Central Calvert Co.), and Cove Point (Southern Calvert Co.). The tides come sooner the further south one travels. So pick the closest tide station to your fossil hunting location for more accurate results.

Remember, it's best to fossil hunt near low tide, when the tide is going out, then again when the tide starts to come in again.

Winds: You DO NOT want strong winds to be blowing into Calvert County or up the Chesapeake Bay. This causes the water to rise on the Calvert County beaches, effectively diminishing the low tides.

Sea Nettles: These are little jelly fish that pack a sting. When the numbers are high enough, it makes fossil collecting very unpleasant. Usually the numbers increase in July and August.

Weather Forecast for Chesapeake Beach, MD

Tides for Chesapeake Beach, MD
(North Part of Cliffs near Bayfront Park)
by NOAA Tide Predictions

Tides for Long Beach, MD
(Middle Part of Cliffs near Flag Ponds)
by NOAA Tide Predictions

Tides for Cove Point, MD
(South Part of Cliffs near Calvert Cliffs St. Park)
by NOAA Tide Predictions

Sea Nettle Probablility Map - Chesapeake Bay
by NOAA Ocean Prediction Center

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