"Celebrating the Richness of Paleontology through Fossil Hunting"

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Aurora, NC Fossil Trip - 2007

Please note, the Mine is CLOSED to collecting - This is an older trip report from 2007. Please don't call the mine or museum asking to fossil hunt in the mine. You can still fossil hunt at the mine tailings in front of the museum. Go to the Aurora page for more information.

Aurora Fossil Trip Report from back in 2007
A Wide Variety of Fossils

Collectors entering the mine.  This is the kickoff of the Fall 2007 collecting season.

Collectors entering the mine. This is the kickoff of the Fall 2007 collecting season.

The annual fossil hunting fall trip to the PCS mine in Aurora was upon us! September 29th was our date to collect. So, on the night of the 28th we started the drive. We arrived around 5:30 a.m. and got a few hours of sleep in the parking lot (Yippee!). Awaking from our restful nights sleep, we rolled out of the car and into the bus. This season was supposed to be good. There is a HUGE new area with lots of Yorktown and Pungo sediments exposed. Plus they are mining closer to the river, closer to where people collected in the “good old days.”

Getting into the actual pit was kind of like playing on a jungle gym. The trip leaders said we would have to climb down a steep hill of loose sand. To avoid sinking, we would walk on a rope. To get back out, we were to walk on the rope and climb up with an additional rope. Images of clowns at a circus doing back flips and Chilean acrobats swinging from ropes danced through my mind as the fossil collectors, one by one, awkwardly shuffled down the rope.

Once in, it was like Christmas for a 5 year old. One could walk for over an hour in one direction and hunt on hills void of collectors. The only problem was the new area was not well eroded, so the fossil shark teeth hid really well in the sediments. I know I must have walked by a bunch of nice fossils! Even so, Amy and I came out of the mine with a bounty. Many people found large fossil megalodon teeth. Amy and I only found a few small ones, but tons of other interesting fossils were found. It was a great day at Aurora for the entire collecting group!

The next day Amy and I hit Green's Mill Run for a few hours to look for a great white tooth before heading home. We didn't find any complete Great Whites, however we managed to find a worn Mosasaur tooth and an odd, pathological Squalicorax tooth.

Thanks PCS for allowing us to collect! We all greatly appreciate it!

Below are the fossil found from the mine in Aurora, NC

The 2007 fall season area is vast.

The 2007 fall season area is vast.

Fossil hunting for megalodon shark teeth and other Pliocene fossils.

Fossil hunting for megalodon shark teeth and other Pliocene fossils.

looking for fossils in the mine

looking for fossils in the mine

This small megalodon shark tooh in a chunk of Pungo Limestone.  I broke my hammer trying to get it out!

This small megalodon shark tooh in a chunk of Pungo Limestone. I broke my hammer trying to get it out!

Here is a 2 1/8 inch C. plicatilis white shark tooth that I found.

Here is a 2 1/8 inch C. plicatilis white shark tooth that I found.

Here are some of the finds for the day. No large megalodons were found by us. However we found a bunch of makos, extinct whites, and some smaller megalodons. I was looking for dolphin finger digits to complete my dolphin hand, but managed to come back with one seal and a bunch of whale finger digits. Go figure! Missing from the picture is the pile of large whale bone and verts and the standard fish material.

These are a few of the larger extinct white teeth (C. plicatlilis) found.

These are a few of the larger extinct white teeth (C. plicatlilis) found.

These are a few of the larger narrow form (C. hastalis) white shark teeth found.

These are a few of the larger narrow form (C. hastalis) white shark teeth found.

Here are two juvinile megalodon or subauriculatus shark teeth.

Here are two juvinile megalodon or subauriculatus shark teeth.

This is a seal finger digit.

This is a seal finger digit.

Here are some associated juvenile whale vertebra.  They are pretty banged up, but come from the same animal.

Here are some associated juvenile whale vertebra. They are pretty banged up, but come from the same animal.

Green's Mill tooth: I wasn't sure if this tooth was pathological or an incredibly unusual tooth position.

Green's Mill tooth: I wasn't sure if this tooth was pathological or an incredibly unusual tooth position. However, a web site visitor (who posts on Black River Fossils) informed me he has also found this squalicorax tooth form in the Alabama Cretaceous. So this may represent some brief time period where the squalicorax tooth form resembled this instead of the standard tooth form. Further study is definitely needed!

Green's Mill fossil: Here is a worn Mosasaur tooth.  This is our first from Green's Mill Run.

Green's Mill fossil: Here is a worn Mosasaur tooth. This is our first from Green's Mill Run.

Recommended Books for North Carolina Fossil Collecting:

Shark Tooth Hunting on the Carolina Coast

by Ashley Oliphant, 2015

This is a great field guide for locating and identifying fossil shark teeth on the beaches of North and South Carolina. It is filled with clear photographs and easy to read descriptions.
There's not too many books about North Carolina Sharks teeth. This one is pretty good!

Fossil Shark Teeth of the World

A great book for identifying all those teeth. This book is laid out "as simple as possible." It's ease of use and small size makes it great to carry during collecting trips. This book shows teeth from around the globe, but all the North Carolina teeth can be found in it.

Seal/Dolphin ~ Phoca/Stenella: A Skeletal Comparison of Two Marine Mammals

by John R. Timmerman, 1997

This is a very good book if you want to attempt to identify the numerous bone fragments encountered at this site.
This book can be purchased through the North Carolina Fossil Club - When at their website, click on the publications tab.

Recommended Link


The best site on the web for fossil shark teeth! It's dedicated to Aurora and many other sites!

Get Your Very Own Megalodon Tooth:

These are Authentic Megalodon teeth sold by Fossil Era , a reputable fossil dealer (that I personally know) who turned his fossil passion into a business. His Megalodon teeth come in all sizes and prices, from small and inexpensive to large muesum quality teeth. Each tooth has a detailed descriptions and images that include its collecting location and formation. If you are looking for a megalodon tooth, browse through these selections!

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